Please note: this event is now fully booked. Please contact us if you wish to go on the waiting list.
The BGA are pleased to invite you to the 3rd Early Career Members event of 2014. The event will recognise Brian Simpson’s commitment to promoting safety in geotechnical engineering and will address some of the challenges of EC7 implementation aiming to encourage geotechnical engineers to engage more with the new European safety codes and design methodologies. Georgios Katsigiannis will give an overview of the main EC7 concepts before the main lecture. There will be time for debate and discussion and the event will be followed by drinks and nibbles. Thanks are extended to our generous sponsor, the UCL European Institute, and of course to Arup for hosting the event. All levels of experience are welcome.
Event Programme:
18.00-18.30 Tea and coffee available
18:30-18:50 An Introduction to the main concepts of EC7 Georgios Katsigiannis
18:50-19:50 How EC7 gets misunderstood Brian Simpson
19:50-20:00 Discussion
Please register on line at
Further information: BGA ECG flyer EC7