We are pleased to provide information on the following upcoming international events:
1. Prague Geotechnical Days 2015
11 - 12 May 2015, including an invited lecture and workshop on "landslides - the role of geology and geotechnics" and the 23rd Prague Geotechnical Lecture by Prof. Carlos Santamarina on "A particle level review of soil behaviour and macroscale implications".
Other speakers include Prof. Lyesse Laloui, Prof David Toll, Prof. Federica Cotecchia & Prof. Fred Baynes amoung others.
Registration is required by 30th April.
2. ISRM International Congress 2015
The programme for this event, on May 10 to 13, in Montreal, Canada, is now out.
Keynote speakers include Dr John Hudson giving the 7th Muller Award Lecture and Dr. Andrea Lisjak giving the 2015 Rocha Medal Lecture.
Register before April 3rd for a discounted rate.
The deadline for abstracts has now been extended until April 15th.
The conference will be held in Osaka, Japan, from 16 - 18th November 2015.