To promote young members of ISSMGE to play a major role in various international and regional conferences, the President of ISSMGE, Professor Charles Ng, created the Bright Spark Lecture Award for promising young geotechnical professionals/academics to have a chance to deliver a keynote lecture at a major ISSMGE sponsored conference.
The local IS-Cambridge 2020 organising committee is responsible for the preliminary selection of potential Bright Spark lecturers, in collaboration with the Young Member Presidential Group (YMPG). The CVs of the preliminarily selected candidates (a maximum of shortlist of four) will be submitted to the President of ISSMGE for a final decision on the awardee.
The awardee will then be invited to give a 20-minute presentation at the IS-Cambridge 2020 conference and write a paper that will be published in the IS-Cambridge 2020 proceedings. An “ISSMGE BRIGHT SPARK LECTURER” certificate will be presented either by the President or his/her representative.
Outstanding and promising young geotechnical professionals/academics at 36 years of age or under at the last day of a conference.
Nomination letters, together with the CVs for nominees, will need to be sent to Jo Griffiths ( no later than 30th September 2019.