The call for Tickets for the 61st Rankine Dinner is open
Expressions of interest are now open for tickets for the BGA 61st Rankine Dinner in honour of the 2023 Rankine Lecturer, Professor John P. Carter, to be held at Imperial College London on Wednesday 15th March 2023.
An application form for tickets indicating your requirements is available HERE.
A flyer for the Dinner is available HERE.
A link to the lecture is HERE.
Places will be allocated in strict order of receipt of these forms and applicants notified of the outcome after 16th January 2023. In order to give as many members as possible the opportunity to join the BGA at this prestigious event, companies will be restricted to purchasing one table initially with the option of requesting a second table if demand allows. Please return your form as soon as possible as the Dinner is often oversubscribed and a request does not guarantee that a place will be offered.
Tickets will be made available to purchase for those who have confirmed interest in early January 2023.
The cost for the dinner is set at £120 per person including pre-dinner drinks, 3-course meal, wine at the table, and coffee to follow. Companies may purchase a maximum of 2 tables of 10 places each at a cost of £1200 each depending on availability.
We at the BGA have started a new initiative whereby a limited number of free student places will be made available for the Rankine Dinner. This program is voluntary for all table hosts and involves the sacrifice of one seat at the table for allocation to a UK based student.
Successful bookings will be provided with a private link to the ICE’s online booking system and invited to book and pay for their tables/places by credit card within a nominated period (2 weeks). If you are not an ICE/BGA member you must register as a non-member before booking and paying for tickets online. Bookings are not secured until the credit card payment procedure has been completed. Places not paid for by the end of this nominated period will be released to individuals and companies requiring a second table on the waiting list, after which any remaining places will be released on the open market.