The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) is the principal
association for geotechnical engineers in the United Kingdom.

BGA Medal – Rule Change

The BGA will also make medals available to all previous members that co-authored a winning paper since 2008 - Applications must reach the BGA by 30 June 2024. Authors must pay the cost of the Medal.

BGA Medal – Rule Change

Since 2008 the British Geotechnical Association (BGA) has awarded the BGA Medal (and certificate) annually (calendar year) to the best paper submitted for consideration that is authored/co-authored by member(s) of the BGA and published in an international journal during the appropriate calendar year.

Until now only one medal has been presented and it has been for the authors to decide who will receive it. In the future the BGA will make medals available to all BGA members that co-author a medal winning paper.

The BGA will also make medals available to all previous BGA members that co-authored a winning paper since 2008, but in doing so the authors will be required to pay the cost (£90 each, inclusive of postage and VAT) of striking their medal.

This is a limited time and once only offer. To take advantage of it, please contact the BGA Secretariat ( before midnight on 30th June 2024. Requests received after that date will not be considered.

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