The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) is the principal
association for geotechnical engineers in the United Kingdom.

BGA News

The latest news from the BGA.

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Latest News

Advances in Geological/Geotechnical Data Handling and Modelling

  • 17.08.2014

The Engineering Group of the Geological Society are hosting a one day conference that endeavours to explore advances in geological and geotechnical data handling and modelling.

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New Research Bursaries

  • 17.08.2014

The pipe jacking association is offering research bursaries for universities.

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EC7 - Have your say

  • 24.06.2014

CEN TC 250/SC7, the committee responsible for Eurocode 7, has published its plan for developing the next generation of Eurocode 7, scheduled for 2020. The plan comprises 6 tasks that will result in a new 3-Part standard with an emphasis on ease-of-use and more practical design rules. BSI has launched a Systematic Review of the Eurocodes (at and invites responses to the six questions. This is your opportunity to influence the future direction of Eurocode 7 – please do not miss it! We want the UK geotechnical profession’s voice to be heard, so please make sure you contribute to this opportunity.

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Fleming Award - Call for Entries

  • 24.06.2014

Invitation to enter The Fleming Competition 2014

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International Society Technical Committees News

  • 05.06.2014

The international Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineer has been making some changes to the way it structures its technical committees. In a letter Prof. Pierre Delage, the Technical Oversight Committee Chair, the ISSMGE sets out revised membership plans for the TCs. Full details can be found in the letter: Message to Member Societies 28-04-2014-VF

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Wave Propagation and Soil Stiffness Workshop

  • 05.06.2014

In 2009 the EPSRC awarded funding to a joint University of Bristol-Imperial College London research project entitled “Micromechanics of seismic wave propagation in granular materials” (EPSRC Grants EP/G064180 and EP/G064954). To mark the completion of this research project, a workshop entitled “Wave Propagation and Soil Stiffness” was held in Bristol on March 20 and 21. The dates were chosen to coincide with the BGA Rankine lecture. A total of 71 participants attended the workshop, about 40 of whom are based in the UK, with the remaining participants coming from diverse locations including Argentina, Japan, Portugal, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, USA, Mexico, and Australia. 20 minute presentations were delivered by 16 invited speakers, with the discussion on March 20 focussing on experimental studies, while the session on March 21 considered theoretical and numerical studies. The workshop was jointly supported by TC101 and TC105 of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, the British Geotechnical Association and the Institution of Civil Engineers.

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May Newsletter (30 April 14)

  • 07.04.2014

Next Early Career Group Meeting – TONIGHT!
MGS 60th Anniversary Dinner on 8th May – deadline for booking tickets TODAY!
Abstract submission for CIM 2015 (Montreal, Canada) – 1st May 2014
CIRIA C580 Update – survey completion deadline – 2nd May 2014
BGA Evening Meeting – effect of tunnelling on historical buildings – 14th May 2014
ISRM Congress (10-13 May 2015: Montreal, Canada) – abstract deadline extended to 1st June 2014
BGA Annual Conference and AGM – 12th June 2014
YGES – Manchester: deadline for registration with abstracts: 20th June 2014
Abstract submission for 6th IS-TC 101: Deformation Characteristics of Soils – 30th June 2014

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British Drilling Association Safety Seminar

  • 27.03.2014

Drilling safety seminar to be hosted by the British Drilling Association in Manchester on April 9th.

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